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Transform Your Life with Hypnotherapy for Smoking Cessation

Unlock a Smoke-Free Future with Hypnosis

Are you ready to experience the freedom of a life without cigarettes?


My unique approach to smoking cessation hypnotherapy is designed to transform your unconscious mind from a smoker to a non-smoker effortlessly.

Why Choose Hypnosis to Quit Smoking?

Smoking addiction isn't just a habit; it's a complex psychological challenge. The techniques I use are tailored to address every single psychological trick that smoking addiction plays on you. By freeing your mind from the grip of smoking, you'll no longer be controlled by the need to smoke. Imagine:

No more planning your day around smoking breaks.

No more worrying about whether you have enough cigarettes.

No more running outside at work or at parties just to smoke.

No more stressing about the health impacts of smoking.

Image by Goutham Krishna

How Hypnosis Works

Smoking cessation hypnosis with me gently shifts your mind from its current addicted state to complete freedom from cigarettes. By reprogramming your subconscious, you'll naturally and effortlessly embrace a smoke-free lifestyle.

4-Session Quit Smoking Program

Week 1: Are You Truly Ready to Quit Smoking?

During stressful times, quitting a long-standing habit can be particularly challenging. This session focuses on assessing your readiness to quit smoking. You'll receive valuable tips to prepare for the next appointment.

Week 2: Your First Quit Smoking Session

In this session, you'll start letting go of the habit and changing your perception of what cigarettes have provided in the past. Additional information will be shared to make your journey easier and more permanent.

Week 3: Reinforcement and Overcoming Blocks

This session reinforces the progress made in the first session. If any blocks or hesitations arise, we will work on letting these go forever.

Week 4: Becoming a True Non-Smoker

We will assess your progress to ensure you are now truly a non-smoker. This session focuses on envisioning a healthy future and making good decisions moving forward.

Take the First Step Today

Don't let smoking control your life any longer. Call me now, and I will help you prepare in a way that will make quitting smoking much easier than you could ever have imagined. Your journey to a smoke-free life starts with a single session.


Copyright © 2023 Feel Free Therapy

Terms & Conditions

12/35 Riccarton Road
Riccarton, Christchurch 8011

New Zealand


PH: 027 222 5393

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Monday 10am - 6pm

Tuesday 10am - 6pm

Thursday 10am - 6pm

Friday 10am - 6pm

Saturday 10am - 5pm

Anja Derks is a Hypnotherapist and CBT Practitioner. She is not a physician and does not diagnose or treat disease. Hypnosis sessions are not a substitute for diagnosis or treatment from a Qualified Medical Practitioner, nor will there be any type of psychological therapy included.  If these services are needed, it is the clients responsibility to seek these services from a licensed professional.

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