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Image by Yosi Prihantoro
People suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) have experienced a traumatic event that is outside the range of normal human experience.


Such instances can include:


  • Earthquakes

  • Rape

  • Sexual or physical abuse

  • Near-death experience

  • Accidents

Some manifestations can include:


  • Flashbacks

  • The need to avoid any reminders of the event

  • A general numbing of emotion

  • Panic attacks

  • Feelings of helplessness

Do you have PTSD or Trauma issues that are holding you back?


the Rewind Technique

 The Rewind  Technique is a consistently successful trauma treatment, with dramatic improvements in clients' wellbeing and self esteem, as well as giving them the capacity for a more fulfilling life, sustained over time.


Besides being safe, quick and painless, this technique has the advantage that no intimate details have to be made public.


Therefore there will be minimum distress to sufferers of trauma or PTSD victims during the session.


For many years we could only treat trauma - PTSD through long, painful exposure therapy, which did not always succeed in an acceptable outcome.


We now thankfully have a comfortable, safe, quick and effective treatment that can reduce and in many cases remove any traumatic or phobic symptoms.


It consistently works in one session, although multiple traumas may need additional separate sessions.

Happy Selfie

The most commonly mentioned effects that the Rewind Technique had on the clients' lives were:​


  • Increased confidence

  • No more flashbacks

  • More positive mood

  • Ability to speak about trauma without triggering alarm or difficulty

  • No more fear



More background on the Rewind Technique can be found HERE.


Marjo, ChristchurchFor 

For the past 10+ years I have struggled with PTSD from the Canterbury Earthquakes. After years of trying to process these events through other forms of therapy, Anja was able to help me through this. The process was non-intrusive and empowering. It allowed me to heal some of those old wounds without having to relive those traumatic experiences. One session of the rewind technique helped make me feel lighter and more at peace. I no longer feel jumpy and or on edge. I am able truly to relax.     


Alex L

Human Givens Institute Studies

Humans Givens Institute - logo white_edited.png

Thirty people took part in the study (26 women and four men).


They all  attended  counseling in a two year period between 2000 and 2002, having been diagnosed as suffering from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or partial PTSD.


Their ages ranged from 25 to 62, with an average age of 42. They differed widely in terms of jobs and seniority.

Age, sex, occupation, type of trauma and length of time since trauma was experienced did not affect the efficacy of rewind.


Seventeen clients needed one session of rewind, 11 clients needed two, and two clients needed three sessions. 


However, in no case did the same trauma need to be treated twice. All clients with a single trauma needed only one session.

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If you are experiencing any trauma that holds you back from living the life you deserve, get in touch now. 


Copyright © 2023 Feel Free Therapy

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12/35 Riccarton Road
Riccarton, Christchurch 8011

New Zealand


PH: 027 222 5393

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Monday 10am - 6pm

Tuesday 10am - 6pm

Thursday 10am - 6pm

Friday 10am - 6pm

Saturday 10am - 5pm

Anja Derks is a Hypnotherapist and CBT Practitioner. She is not a physician and does not diagnose or treat disease. Hypnosis sessions are not a substitute for diagnosis or treatment from a Qualified Medical Practitioner, nor will there be any type of psychological therapy included.  If these services are needed, it is the clients responsibility to seek these services from a licensed professional.

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