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Earthquake Trauma - Do we still get triggered?

Does you heart still jump when you hear that another earthquake has struck in some part of the world?

Having experienced massive high intensity of danger, studies have shown that it disrupts our neurological system. We can carry these emotions with us for many years, being on high alert all the time, feeling jumpy and unsettled.

You may feel emotional and vulnerable, feel anxious or stuck and don’t know how to move forward.

We don’t always acknowledge that underneath all these feelings it is the trauma that we experienced all those years ago is still having a hold on us.

The Christchurch Earthquakes

All of us that have lived in Christchurch and experienced the 2010/2011 earthquakes understand how much that event has impacted us.

Each of us experienced and coped with this extreme event in different ways.

  • Dealing with loved ones that died in the event,

  • Losing homes and businesses,

  • Liquefaction and broken up roads,

  • Thousands of aftershocks, and the list goes on.

The earthquakes have impacted upon the mental health of many people. When research was undertaken 80% stated that their lives had been significantly affected. Major depression, Post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety disorders were amongst many other mental health issues.

How Earthquakes Affect Children

Toddlers and primary ages children were affected emotionally and psychologically.

They could not explain what was happening to them, and possibly couldn’t remember their lives before the earthquakes.

More than 70% of children had sleep problems, headaches, stomach aches, eating problems, nightmares, were irritable and had angry outbursts.

One of my clients came to me with feelings of anxiety, being very over sensitive to loud noises and feeling very jumpy. It affected her sleeping and created weight issues amongst other emotional and physical issues.

It became clear after a couple of sessions that the underlying issue was what she had experienced during the earthquakes. This childhood trauma resulted in PTSD as an adult.

This is her testimonial:

"For the past 10+ years I have struggled with PTSD from the Canterbury Earthquakes. After years of trying to process these events through other forms of therapy. Anja was able to help me through this.

The process was non-intrusive and empowering. It allowed me to heal some of those old wounds without having to relive those traumatic experiences.

One session of the rewind technique helped make me feel lighter and more at peace. I no longer feel jumpy and or on edge. I am able to truly relax."

Get in touch with me for further information on how to help you work through PTSD and trauma.

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Anja Derks is a Hypnotherapist and CBT Practitioner. She is not a physician and does not diagnose or treat disease. Hypnosis sessions are not a substitute for diagnosis or treatment from a Qualified Medical Practitioner, nor will there be any type of psychological therapy included.  If these services are needed, it is the clients responsibility to seek these services from a licensed professional.

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